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Reactions of lung surfactants at the air–water interface


Project Details

Environmental Science and Engineering
Field of Study
chemical engineering
Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Center Affiliation
Water Desalination and Reuse Center

Project Description

We are studying the behavior of bio-surfactants at the gas–water interface as a function of water pH and acidity and gas composition. The intern will work with Dr. Peng Zhang and Mr. Muzzamil Eatoo (Ph.D. student) build an experimental setup to probe the changes in surfactants behavior in real time.

About the Researcher

Himanshu Mishra
Associate Professor, Environmental Science and Engineering
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division


Education Profile

  • Elings Prize Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California Santa Barbara, 2013-2014
  • Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, 2013M.S., Purdue University, 2007
  • B.E., Punjab Engineering College, 2005

Research Interests

Biomimetics Chemistries and electrification at water-hydrophobe interfacesSurface forces (hydrophobic interactions, DLVO, structural forces) Superhydrophobic sand mulches and soil amendments for arid land agriculture

Selected Publications

  • Das, R., Ahmad, A., Nauruzbayeva, Mishra, H.*, ""Biomimetic Coating-free Superomniphobicity"" (accepted, Scientific Reports, #2e02d35e-86bd-44e6-b70c-34c82bc49123)
  • Mahadik, G. A., Hernandez Sanchez, J. F., Arunachalam, S., Gallo Jr., A., Farinha, A. S., Thoroddsen, S. T., Mishra, H.*, Duarte, C. M., ""Superhydrophobicity and Size Reduction Allowed Water Striders to Colonize the Ocean"" (accepted, Scientific Reports, SREP-19-11017)
  • Pillai, S., Santana, A., Das, R., Shrestha, B.R., Manalastas, E., Mishra, H*, ""A Molecular- to Macro-Scale Assessment of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation for Separating Organics from Water"" (accepted, Journal of Membrane Science,
  • Gonzalez-Avila, S. R., Nguyen, D. M., Arunachalam, S., Domingues, E., Mishra, H.*, Ohl, C-D., ""Mitigating Cavitation Through a Biomimetic Gas-entrapping Microtextured Surfaces"", Science Advances, 2020, (
  • Shrestha, B. R., Pillai, S., Santana, A., Donaldson, Jr., S. H., Pascal, T. A., Mishra, H.*, ""Nuclear Quantum Effects in Hydrophobic Nanoconfinement"", Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10, 5530-5535 (Journal cover; Featured on,, KAUST Discovery, etc.)
  • Gallo Jr., A., Farinha, A. S., Dinis, M., Emwas, A-H., Santana, A., Nielsen, S., Goddard III, W. A., Mishra, H.*, ""The Chemical Reactions in Electrosprays of Water Do Not Always Correspond to Those at the Pristine Air-Water Interface"", Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 2566-2577 (Journal Cover; featured on, KAUST Discovery, etc.)
  • Domingues, E. M., Arunachalam, S., Nauruzbayeva, Mishra, H.*, ""Biomimetic Coating-free Surfaces for Long-term Entrapment of Air under Wetting Liquids"", Nature Communications, 2018, 9, Article Number: 3606. (Featured on Nature Chemistry Channel 'Behind the Paper', Phys.Org, and Eureka Alert)
  • Domingues, E. M., Arunachalam, S., Mishra, H.*, ""Doubly Reentrant Cavities Prevent Catastrophic Wetting Transitions on Intrinsically Wetting Surfaces"", ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 21532-38 (Featured on Engineers Australia ( , EurekAlert! ( , ( )

Desired Project Deliverables

1. literature review 2. building experimental set up 3. analytical techniques - ESIMS and others 4. data collection and analysis 5. scientific report

Recommended Student Background

chemical engineering
environmental science and engineering

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