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Project Details

Field of Study
Synthetic Biology
Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Project Description

The StruBE synthetic biology team is harnessing the power of proteins to forge innovative tools for biotech and medical applications. We are collaborating with material scientists and chemists to embed our designer proteins in novel materials or bioelectronic circuits. Ongoing projects include the design of next-generation biosensors, smart drugs, targeted therapeutic protein degrading systems, and designer enzymes for industrial applications. This entails experimental and computational work as well as the development of robotic liquid handling workflows. On the experimental side, a prospective student will be involved with protein production from E. coli or mammalian cell culture and the biophysical characterization of protein-protein interactions or enzymatic (whole-pathway) reactions. Prior wet-lab experience is a plus. A computational project in support of protein design and lab automation would require prior knowledge in Python programming. Hence, the interdisciplinary projects can host students from various backgrounds, e.g. from biochemistry, (bio)engineering, protein structural biology, or computer science.

About the Researcher

Stefan Arold
Professor, Bioengineering
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division


Education Profile

  • Habilitation, University of Montpellier, France, 2004
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oxford, UK, 1998
  • PhD, University of Montpellier, France, 1998
  • MSC, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France, 1994

Research Interests

a€‹Professor Arolda's research interests are focused on integrative structural biology based on hybrid approaches. His work involves inferring structure and function of macromolecular assemblies, to enhance computational methods for functional annotation of genes (system-wide or focused), and to design and engineer molecules with desired properties (switches, genetic/epi-genetic regulators, detectors).

Selected Publications

  • Brami-Cherrier K, Gervasi N., Arsenieva D, Walkiewicz K., Boutterin MC, Ortega A, Leonard PG, Seantier B, Gasmi L, Bouceba T, Noble MEM, Girault JA, Arold ST. (2014) FAK dimerization controls its kinase-dependent functions at focal adhesions. EMBO J. 3,356-370.
  • Suen KM, Lin CC, George R, Melo FA, Biggs, ER, Ahmed Z, Drake MN, Arur S, Arold ST, Ladbury JE (2013) Interaction with Shc prevents aberrant Erk activation in the absence of extracellular stimuli. Nat. Struct. Mol Biol. 20, 620-7
  • Lin C.C., Melo F.A., Ghosh R., Suen K.M, Stagg L.J., Kirkpatrick J., Arold S.T., Ahmed A., Ladbury J.E. (2012) Inhibition of basal FGF receptor signaling by Grb2. Cell, 149, 1514-24
  • Ladbury J.E., Arold S.T. (2012) Noise in cellular signaling pathways: causes and effects. Trends Biochem Sci, 37, 173-8
  • Arold S.T. (2011) How focal adhesion kinase achieves regulation by linking ligand binding, localization and action. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 21, 808-13
  • Declerck N., Bouillaut L., Chaix D., Rugani N., Slamti L., Hoh F., Lereclus D. & Arold S.T. (2007) Structure of PlcR: Insights into virulence regulation and evolution of quorum sensing in Gram-positive bacteria. PNAS, 104, 18490-5

Desired Project Deliverables

*protein production from E. coli or mammalian cell culture and the biophysical characterization of protein-protein interactions or enzymatic (whole-pathway) reactions. *A computational project in support of protein design and lab automation would require prior knowledge in Python programming.

Recommended Student Background

protein structural biology
computer science

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