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Integrating microbial electrolysis cell with anaerobic digestion to enhance resource recovery from waste activated sludge


Project Details

Environmental Science and Engineering
Field of Study
environmental science and engineering
Biological and Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Center Affiliation
Water Desalination and Reuse Center

Project Description

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a well-established biotechnology for generating methane from high-strength organic wastes such as waste activated sludge (WAS). However, several bottlenecks exist that hinder their widespread application such as low start-up time, low methane content and yield, and high susceptibility to environmental perturbation. One strategy to alleviate these bottlenecks is to integrate AD with microbial electrolysis cell (MEC). In MEC, acetoclastic electroactive bacteria (EAB) are considered the key functional groups responsible for recovering energy from acetate. In this project, we will study the effect of different start-up strategies with functionally redundant and efficient acetoclastic EAB on the performance of integrated MEC-AD fed with WAS.

About the Researcher

Pascal Saikaly
Professor, Environmental Science and Engineering
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division


Education Profile

  • Ph.D. University of Cincinnati , 2005
  • M.S. American University of Beirut, 2001
  • B.S. American University of Beirut, 1997

Research Interests

Professor Saikaly's research focuses on integrating cutting-edge -omic tools (genomic, proteomic, and transcriptomic) with bioprocess engineering to optimize and create sustainable biotechnologies for wastewater reclamation and reuse that are robust, scalable, and capable of providing tailored water quality with minimization of energy, resources, and carbon footprint. He is guided by the vision that gaining a better insight of the microbial ecology of microorganisms and the variables that affect their ecophysiology will allow us to fully harness their potential in environmental biotechnology. His specific research interests include: Integrating membrane-based microbial electrochemical technologies for domestic wastewater treatment with resource recovery (water and energy) Aerobic granular sludge system for industrial wastewater treatmentIntegrating anammox processes for mainstream wastewater treatment

Selected Publications

  • Katuri, K., Werner, C. M., Sandoval, R.J., Chen, W., Logan, B.E., Lai, Z., Amy, G. L., and Saikaly, P.E. (2014) ""A novel anaerobic electrochemical membrane bioreactor (AnEMBR) with conductive hollow-fiber membrane for treatment of low-organic strength Solutions."" Environmental Science and Technology, 48, 12833-12841.
  • Shehab, N., Amy, G., and Logan, B.E., and Saikaly, P. E. (2014). ""Microbial electordeionization cell stack air-cathode for sustainable desalination."" Journal of Membrane Science, 469, 364-370.
  • Malaeb, L., Katuri, K., Logan, B.E., Maab, H., Nunes, S., and Saikaly, P. E. (2013). ""A hybrid microbial fuel cell membrane bioreactor with a conductive ultrafiltration membrane biocathode for wastewater treatment."" Environmental Science and Technology, 47, 11821-11828.
  • Shehab, N., Li, D., Amy, G., and Logan, B.E., and Saikaly, P. E. (2013). ""Characterization of bacterial and archaeal communities in air-cathode microbial fuel cells, open circuit and sealed-off reactors."" Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97: 9885-9895.
  • Sayess, R. R., Saikaly, P. E., El-Fadel, M., Li, D., and Semerjian, L. (2013). ""Reactor performance in terms of COD and nitrogen removal and bacterial community structure of a threea-stage rotating bioelectrochemical contactor."" Water Research, 47: 881-894.

Desired Project Deliverables

Develop start-up strategies to enhance performance of MEC-AD

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