Statistical Inference for High Dimensional Models with Applications to Imaging Genetics

Project Details
Field of Study
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering
Faculty Lab Link
Project Description
The goal of this project is to develop statistical inference for high-dimensional models. This project is motivated by many studies in brain science. In particular, the intern will apply current and new methods for identifying neurological features associated with certain genetic traits. The project will address questions such as • Do subjects with similar genetic information tend to have similar brain imaging features? • what group of features extracted from biological data can help on disease diagnosis These questions will be addressed under the context of high-dimensional testing problem. Specific Tasks: (1) Read and summarized assigned papers. (2) Exploratory analysis of the data (3) Implementation of the methods using R to analyze the data (4) Submit report, poster, codes. Potential Impact: This project serves the Health and Welnness priority of the Kingdom. The methods will be refined and recalibrated for future application to data on the Saudi population. The methods here will not be confined only to imaging genetics. They can be used to study associations between factors and various diseases including those that are the priority of the kingdom.
About the Researcher
Hernando Ombao
Professor, Statistics Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division
Desired Project Deliverables
The intern is expected to (1.) submit codes that were used in the analysis of the EEG-genetic data; (2.) paper that is of publishable quality using the template of the journal Annals of Applied Statistics; (3.) poster to be printed; (4.) seminar presentation.
Recommended Student Background
Experience in data analysis computing with R, Matlab, Python
Firm knowledge in Mathematics, Statistics and Probability