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Quantifying microbial diagenesis in shallow marine carbonate sediment using CT-scan


Project Details

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Field of Study
Geoscience, Geodata, Carbonate Sedimentology
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Center Affiliation
Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center

Project Description

Shallow marine carbonate sediment can be significantly modified by microbial activity through encrustation, endolithic activity, or micritization on the seafloor. These alterations can be preserved in the carbonate rock records and can be used as paleo-environmental indicators and promote the development of microporosity. To assess the extent of microbial diagenesis, we buried consolidated sediment plugs in various lagoonal environments around the Arabian Peninsula (KSA, UAE, Oman) and recovered them after one year. This research project aims to compare the pre- and post-burial CT scan models of the plugs quantitatively to identify potential microbial alterations. SEM, BS-SEM, and thin section imaging are also envisaged. For this project, we are seeking for a motivated student or recent graduate with a strong background in geomodelling/geodata science and/or carbonate sedimentology.

About the Researcher

Volker Vahrenkamp
Professor, Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering
Physical Science and Engineering Division


Education Profile

  • Ph.D. Marine Geology, RSMAS a- U. Miami, Miami, FL, USA
  • MSc Geology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
  • Vordiplom, Ludwigs UniversitA¤t, Freiburg, Germany

Research Interests

a€‹Professor Vahrenkamp's research aims at securing future energy supply with three main thrusts: Refine the understanding of modern and ancient carbonate depositional environments and associated diagenesis for improved perception of reservoir heterogeneities on multiple scales, Advance the quantification of the complex pore networks of Arabian carbonate reservoirs and its impact on reservoir performance, Explore and develop geothermal energy in Arabian countries with special focus on desalination and cooling applications and suitable drilling techniques.

Selected Publications

  • Late Jurassic to Cretaceous source rock prone intra-shelf basins of the eastern Arabian plate a- interplay between t... Vahrenkamp, V.C., P. Van Laer, B.J. Franco, M. A. Celentano, Carine Grelaud and P. Razin. SPE-IPTC-18470 , (2015)
  • Micro rhombic calcite of a giant Barremian reservoir onshore Abu Dhabi - Clumped isotope analyses fix temperature, ... Vahrenkamp, V.C, J. Barata; P.J. Van Laer, P. Swart, S. Murray. SPE ADIPEC-172033 , (2014)
  • Carbon-isotope signatures of Albian to Cenomanian (Cretaceous) shelf carbonates of the Natih Formation, Sultanate o... Vahrenkamp, V.C. GeoArabia, v. 18, no. 3, 65-82, (2013)
  • Validation of fundamental carbonate reservoir core properties using Digital Rock Physics Lopez, O., A. Mock, P. A˜ren, H. Long, Z. Kalam, V. Vahrenkamp, M. Gibrata, S. Seraj, S. Ch. International Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts, SCA2012-19, 12 pages , (2012)
  • Chemo stratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous Shu'aiba Formation. Vahrenkamp, V.C. GeoArabia Special Publication 4, V. 1, 107 137, (2010)

Desired Project Deliverables

Post-processing and analysis of differential 3D CT-scans models and petrographic images showing microbial-related diagenetic features

Recommended Student Background

geomodeling / geodata